Bài đăng

A new strain of swine flu which has the potential to spread to humans and other pandemic has been identified in China

Arizona Gov Doug Ducey has ordered the closure of bars, gyms for 30 days due to an increase in coronavirus cases

Catholic pastor in Indiana faces backlash for calling Black Lives Matter protesters ‘maggots and parasites’

Venezuelan Girl Warns America About Destroying Statues: ‘I Am Seeing The Same Pattern Repeat’

Beneath TikTok Fun Exterior Lies A Sinister Purpose

Anger and victimhood not only ruin the individual’s life but also destroy one’s relationships with others

Black Lives Matter to Target: ‘Because you prioritize money over people, until you stop calling the police, we will continue to shut your business down’

The neo-Marxist: It’s a church that places riots over revivals, conflict over unity

‘World will end this year just days before Christmas’, according to the Mayan calendar and doomsday experts

The UN announced the electric car boom will result in a number of devastating ecological side effects for the planet

The plan for “contact tracing” to preven the spread of COVID-19 relies on huge amounts of government spending

A Libertarian Vision for Poverty and Welfare